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Most Excellent Past Grand High Priests of the
Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Kansas
Richard Ridgeway Rees - 1866
Richard Ridgeway Rees - 1867
Owen Abbott Bassett - 1868
Owen Abbott Bassett - 1869
Owen Abbott Bassett - 1870
Edwin Dwight Hillyer - 1871
Edwin Dwight Hillyer - 1872
John M. Price - 1873
John M. Price - 1874
Thomas Jefferson Anderson - 1875
Dwight Byington - 1876
Moses S. Madams - 1877
Daniel W. Coxe - 1878
Erasmus T. Carr - 1879
Silas Elam Sheldon - 1881
George C. Kenyon - 1882
Henry M. Waters - 1883
George Stewart Greene - 1884
Jacob DeWitt - 1885
Andrew Miller Callaham - 1886
William D. Thompson - 1887
George W. Port - 1888
Robert E. Torrington - 1889
Henry C. Cook - 1890
Matthew Murray Miller - 1891
John Calvin Postlethwaite - 1892
Bestor Gaston Brown - 1893
Robert Ellwood Nickles - 1894
John H. Spencer - 1895
Samuel Edwin Busser - 1896
Charles E. Monell - 1897
Aaron Hendrick Connett - 1898
Alexander A. Sharp - 1899
Joseph W. Smith - 1900
Chareles J. Webb - 1901
Edward Winslow Wellington - 1902
Frank Everet Davis - 1903
Perry Milo Hoisington - 1904
Thomas Leonidas Bond - 1905
Edward White Waynant - 1906
Frank William March - 1907
Augustus Ogden Wellman - 1908
Thomas Geyer Fitch - 1909
Frederick Washbon - 1910
Will Curtis Chaffee - 1911
Harry Elmer Best - 1912
Elrick Clayton Cole - 1913
Marion Kellog Brundage - 1914
John William Neilson - 1915
John Powers - 1916
Charles Appley Conkling - 1917
Herbert Ray Hull - 1918
John A. Ferrell - 1919
Joseph Duncan Fell - 1920
Charles Gregg West - 1921
Owen Jason Wood - 1922
Charles Newton Fowler - 1923
William Easton Hutchison - 1924
Benjamin Sanford Paulen - 1925
George W. Trout - 1926
Robert Henry Montgomery - 1928
Fred T. Neye - 1929
Otto Raymon Souders - 1930
Richard Harold Cravens - 1931
Fink Ellis - 1932
Jay Buchan Kirk - 1933
Holmes W. Haviland - 1934
Asa Taylor Hoge - 1935
Nathan Brumsey Thompson - 1936
John Andrew Hetzel - 1937
William Frederick Shea - 1938
Charles A. Louchs - 1939
Lyn R. Brodrick - 1940
Richard William Evans, Jr. - 1941
Charles William Garrison - 1942
Dwight Mitchell Numbers - 1943
Frank M. Yeoman - 1944
Arthur Henry Strickland - 1945
Vasileios Royal Vergades - 1946
DeWitt Stiles - 1947
Theodore Payne Perry - 1948
Ottis Barrack Allen - 1949
Joseph Lincoln Kirk - 1950
Alve Jonathan Bogue - 1951
Leroy Alvin Weyh - 1952
Floyd Palmer Althouse - 1953
Ellis T. Barker - 1954
Richard Morris Gallup - 1955
Harold Normal Nichols - 1956
Neil McKinnon McLeod - 1957
Glenn Earl Williams - 1958
Ralph Mehelem Burlin - 1959
Harry Elbert Crosswhite - 1960
James Henry Reb - 1961
Elroy Enyart Tillotson - 1962
Karl Jacob Baumgartner - 1963
Smauel Lewis Smith - 1964
Don Cameron Heminger - 1965
Robert Milton Riley - 1966
Armand Helmuth Bishop - 1967
Orvil Willard Sage - 1968
Thaine Owen Beamer - 1969
Peter Nicholas Klein - 1970
Charles Spurgeon McGinness - 1971
Alvin Emory Hauserman - 1972
Billy Eugene O'Brate - 1973
Harold Leroy Ashcraft - 1974
Vinton Crews Fishel - 1975
Thomas Leroy Francis - 1976
Erle W. Francis - 1977
Kephart Maynard Curts - 1978
Paul B. Heyman - 1979
Henry Wallace Nichols - 1980
Kenneth Vernon Moses - 1981
James Trevor Lewis - 1982
Dee Dewitt Duttweiler - 1983
William S. Farr - 1984
William Grant Updegrove, Jr. - 1985
Eldon George Nicholson - 1986
Raymond D. Hough - 1987
Robert Keith Kurz - 1988
Arthur Wilson Keffer - 1989
Clifford Leroy Trax - 1990
Bernard Allen Leonard - 1991
Orville Elmer Wesseler - 1992
Philip H. King - 1993
Oscar Dell Smith - 1994
Clarence Dean Johnson - 1995
David Franklin Snyder - 1996
Don Eldon Robinett - 1997
Phillip Wayne Keffer - 1998
Boyce Wayne Dougherty - 1999
Robert Conley Simmons - 2000
Barna Harold Barnett - 2001
Leroy Lawrence Loggins - 2002
Vernon L. Ball - 2003
Richard Allen Wortman - 2004
Lawrence Emanuel Bodine - 2005
Carver Keith Neer - 2006
Charles Davis Williams, III - 2007
Claude Lee Carpenter - 2008
Ernest Paul Miller - 2009
Christopher Dean Tomlinson - 2010
Harley Emerson Keeton - 2010
Carral Nimrod Roberts - 2011
Michael Eugene Bennett - 2012
Wayne Noble Price, Jr. - 2013
Dennis Maxwell Johnson - 2014
Fred Arnold Lockard - 2015
Eldon Earl Leitzel - 2016
Allan Dale Jackson - 2017
Thomas Alvin Jacks - 2018
Thomas Michael Fegan - 2019
Harold Wayne Rector - 2020
Jimmie Lee Grassi, Sr. - 2021
Wayne Harold Rollf - 2022
Michael Neil Terry - 2023
John Timothy Staton - 2024
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