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Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis (The Rosicrucian Society in the United States) as founded September 21, 1880 by 3 colleges chartered by S.R.I.S.; there are currently 32 colleges in the United States and Abroad. The Chief Adept of the Kansas College is Frater Wayne Rollf IX°. The Kansas College meets quarterly in Baldwin City, KS.
Councils in Kansas
- Kansas Council #53, Wichita, KS
- Drogheda Council #68, Baldwin City, KS
- W. Ron McKenzie Council #134, Junction City, KS
Councils in Kansas
- Blarney Stone #360, Topeka, KS
- Loch Lomond #235, Baldwin City, KS
- Sunflower #383, Wichita, KS
- Charles David Williams, III #596, Junction City, KS
United Imperial Council Red Cross of Constantine
and Appendant Orders for the Unites States of America, Mexico, and the Philippines
Conclaves in Kansas
- St. Augustine Conclave, Topeka, KS
- St. Justin Conclave, Kansas City, KS
- St. David Conclave, Salina, KS
- Calvary Conclave, Wichita, KS
- Crispus Conclave, Pittsburg, KS
Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests
Tabernacles in Kansas
- All Saints Tabernacle LVI, Kansas City, KS
- King David Tabernacle LX, Salina, KS
- River Jordan Tabernacle XXXVIII, Wichita, KS
- Ashmole Court No. 181, Emporia, KS
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